Steam Roller Printapalooza

The Steam Roller Printapalooza will be held at The Quarry Arts Centre and Te Kowhai Print Trust and is inspired by a number of Print Making Steam Roller Festivals that run annually in America. We plan to hire a ride on steam roller for the day and print large scale woodcut prints on to canvas &/or paper. The general public, local polytechnic and surrounding primary and secondary schools will be invited to produce wood or linocuts and bring them down on the day to get inked up and steam roll printed. We will have one large scale collaborative woodcut that will be cut out over a few weeks and finished off on the morning by whoever is willing to take part and will be printed in the afternoon. We hope to also have a large handheld push roller for smaller prints. We will also have a T shirt printer printing t shirts with silk screen and woodcut and other printmaking demonstrations. It will be an interactive, festival style day of awesome printmaking shenanigans. There will also be food and music. The attached photos are of other steam roller festivals.