Mayors and MP's Morning Ride

We are super excited to bring this initiative to Sydney, based on its success in Perth and the USA. The event is part of the City of Sydney Rides Festival and will take place on the morning of Friday 24 October 2014.
We are taking political decision makers on a bike ride in early morning city traffic. We will give them a first hand experience of what it's like to commute in inner Sydney, so that they can make more informed decisions when it comes to cycling policy and infrastructure planning.
The event will be closed to the public, with approximately 20 Mayors, Members of Parliament and key decision makers invited to attend.
The route will highlight excellent examples of infrastructure, as well as areas for improvement. It will finish at Hyde Park with a light breakfast and a keynote speaker to facilitate discussion around the participants' experiences.
We are excited about this event because rather than targeting cyclists themselves, we want to make it safer and easier to cycle in Sydney for everyone, and this event has the amazing capacity to do just that!
We have had excellent feedback from all levels of the cycling community and government who we have spoken to so far, and believe that this is a simple and effective way to make lasting change.
We want to see everyone cycling safely in Sydney!