
We make musical instruments out of waste materials. We then use a mobile music studio to record and sample these instruments and compose electronic music. We work with young people and adults in the community, delivering bespoke creative projects. We've built samba drums from paint tins, flutes from PVC pipes, electric guitars, slate xylophones and more. We've created live electronic music sets for carnival and fashion shows, and produced music in a wide range of flavours. We focus on making real instruments that sound great both acoustically and amplified, and have a function in a music ensemble. We're based in Oxfordshire, UK and have worked in youth clubs, festivals, schools both mainstream and SEN, an adventure playgrounds and in arts trusts. We've found that our workshops are particularly effective with marginalised and disengaged learners because they involve a multiple levels of participation: from hammering, sawing, drilling and soldering to playing, recording, sequencing beats and composing melodies, Our work aims to nurture confidence and self-esteem, kindle imaginations, spark curiosity and encourage green thinking. In the 10 months we've been going we've generated huge interest but we need to grow as an organisation in order to access the communities that would most benefit form our work. We intend to build a social enterprise angle into re-resonate, generating revenue from selling musical instruments and sample libraries that we've created, and re-investing this into projects in harder-to-reach communities and building strong partnerships with community organisations. Our goal in the next 2 years is to have 2 regular projects running with community groups, (one with adults living with mental ill-health and one with young people in social care) in Oxford (which despite a reputation for wealth is in the top half of most deprived local authority areas) fully funded by our product sales, in addition to our other projects funded through partnership.