Paper Doll Parties in the Park

I'd love to load up my car with a friend or two in tow, and host four paper doll parties at northern California public parks this summer. Pre-assembled packets, with an 1880s paper doll pattern (and clothes) to cut out and color, along with a printed card about the history of paper dolls and a blank sheet to write on, would be distributed to attendees -- basically, anyone who cares to join in the fun. Children and adults would be encouraged to create paper dolls in their own likenesses and to write a personal narrative about who they are or who they'd like to become. It's a wonderful hands-on bonding activity. This is the same workshop I conducted at the museum, except we'd be outdoors, sitting on the grass or seated at picnic tables.
I'd promote the parties on my website, through local paper doll clubs and distribute flyers at each event so people could check the website for the next date and location.