Recycling Containers for O`ahu Beach Parks

B.E.A.C.H. is making wire recycling containers and these will be placed at beach parks on Oahu. This is a "do it yourself" Hi5 recycling project where people can leave or take recyclables from the bins. The City and County of Honolulu recycling program has trained eight B.E.A.C.H. volunteers in how to make the wire bins and will provide the wire. B.E.A.C.H. has to provide all the tools and safety gear as well as a secure way to chain the bins at the beaches. B.E.A.C.H. will be holding recycling bin making workshops for volunteers starting in September 2013. This project will greatly improve the situation at beaches by providing much needed separate containers for recyclables. This will help prevent trash from ending up on the ground when people go through the trash container looking for recyclables and will provide everyone with a means to recycle when they are at beach parks. This project will encourage more people to recycle and will create a cleaner environment. Each wire recycling bin takes 1-2 hours to make. This project was featured on the "Going Green" segment of the KITV4 news on Monday 5th August, 2013 and on Hawai
i Public Radio on Monday 12th August, 2013. For links to these news stories, please visit: Also the Star Advertiser is planning a feature story about B.E.A.C.H. and this project.
B.E.A.C.H. volunteers will place the recycling containers at beach parks and will have educational booths at the beaches to educate the public about the new containers as well as checking them to ensure the project is going smoothly.