the Claire Closet

The Claire Closet seeks to inspire confidence in girls by showing them how finding your personal style can make you feel as good on the inside as you look on the outside.
CC exists both online and on the runway. Targeted audience; high school girls (particularly grade nine and ten girls).
The Claire Closet website features Claire's thrifty outfits that help inspire the girls to learn how to budget wardrobe and be creative in making beautiful outfits for a small price. We also have a blog that focuses on specific topics and people that are inspiring and provide positive role models for the girls to look up to or relate to. We also have instagram, twitter, facebook, pinterest, and vine pages that allow the girls to interact and share their personal styles. The social media platforms are a place to celebrate the awesomeness of each girl and give them confidence to ROCK who they are.
The Claire Closet "offline" exists in the studio workshops. The girls come together every week and learn about their personal style and share who they are with others around them. For example, we will have topics that help girls learn about their best colours, how to do their hair, how to thrift shop, how to do DIY (Do It Yourself) Fashion, how to be entrepreneurs for their art etc. Each workshop prepares the girls to put together a final show that features all of their personal styles. This is an opportunity for the girls to show people in their life what they have learned, created and become.
Twitter: @theclairecloset
Vine: the Claire Closet
Pinterest; The Claire Closet