Lady Bugs Literacy Love and Language Lounge

This Program is a Community Based Mobile Library, designed to support children and families in low income and underserved communities who struggle with Literacy Skills, Language and Self-Esteem issues and peer to peer relationships.
We services school aged children and families in afterschool programs and communities from ages 4-18 as well as Parents/ Adults who may need resources or support on how to support their children in order to help them grow in these areas. Our mission is to bridge the gap between young children Language, Literacy, and Self-love and to build strong peer relationships in these communities by providing them with a non-traditional fun, exciting extra ordinary mobile Library experience with literacy resources, games and kid friendly conversations and activities that with allow them the practice to strengthen these skills in order to shape them to become well rounded self-sufficient, confident highly Literate functional citizens.
Our 3 Main Focus Points are Literacy, Self-Love and Language
Literacy > Practicing Reading and Writing Skills
Language >Expressive Conversations Pronunciation and
Vocabulary practices, building social skills
Peer+ Self-Love > Esteem, Building bonds and relationships with peers
Our Literacy Lounge is a warm, exciting, kid friendly Mobile Library space designed and created on site for children with literacy struggles to feel safe, secure and comfortable with confessing and expressing their needs as it relates to literacy. We strive to meet all children’s whole and individual needs through building safe and secure relationships, positive guidance and encouragement, kid friendly language, and fun filled academic, (Literacy/Math) games, puzzles and activities. Our sessions run from 1hr – up to 1hr1/2 -2hr max Our literacy, language and self-love/esteem sessions are fun filled, kid friendly life changing experience for young children as well as the adults in their everyday lives.