Savage Sisters Recovery, Inc Street Based Outreach

The project we are requesting funding for is the street-based Outreach efforts we conduct 5 times per month. Our outreach events consist of the distribution of life saving materials, administration of wound care, coordination of vaccines, initiation of a clean up and beautification of the neighborhood we serve in, and transportation and assistance into local treatment facilities. Our wound care station provides people suffering from minor abrasions, cuts, and sores with basic medical support such as a cleaning of the wound, triple antibiotic application, and a wrapping of the wound.
Another aspect of our Outreach events is the provision of vaccines at no cost. Our organization has coordinated and partnered with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health to provide those we serve with Flu, Hepatitis A/B, Covid 19, and Pneumonia vaccines. The Department of Health sets up a table and tent next to ours, and we refer people to get vaccinated. There is a large stigma around the Covid 19 vaccine among the population we serve, which our staff and volunteers actively attempt to reduce. Our clean up and beautification efforts is another aspect of our events. Each Outreach event, we leave the area cleaner then we found it. We also provide a safer environment, as we pick up used needles, and turn them into the needle exchange in Kensington.
The last aspect of our Outreach efforts is the provision of transportation to treatment facilities. As stated above, during our events, our team gets an opportunity to engage with the community we serve at a one on one level. During these engagements, team members are encouraged to discuss the availability of transportation to anyone willing to begin their recovery journey, and go to treatment. To date, our team has transported forty seven individuals off the street, and into treatment. The wrap-around services we provide during Outreach save lives, reduce the spread of disease, and spread radical love.