Snowglobe LGBTQIA+ Support Services AI Chatbot

The Snowglobe project was started after I had an idea about the potential for chatbots, AI and conversational technology for building resilience and wellbeing in the LGBTQIA+ community. I am seeking funds to support co-design initiatives that will kick off the project's design and development, as well as fund the costs associated with starting the project..
By captivating the power of innovation, ambiguity and human-centred design, Snowglobe will reinvent how LGBTQIA+ youth find and share resources while pioneering digital capacity for outreach in existing organisations.
Snowglobe was founded by me in mid-2021, a young and queer user experience designer with certifications in design and artificial intelligence. Since then, I have developed fully working prototypes, coded an artificial intelligence system, consulted with other LGBTQIA+ supporting organisations such as Zoe Belle Gender Collective, Sunbury Cobaw Community Health, Pride Foundation Australia and ACON, and finished the paperwork to become a fully registered charity.