Holiday fund for GHS ESL families

Well last year at this time myself and Jennifer Amero started with an idea to help out people that worked in hospitality industry effected my covid restrictions .
We helped 22 families and raised quite a bit of money in a very short period of time .
Then in March with the help of Awsome Gloucester we were able to circle back around to help more families in tye hospitality industry by buying food and clothing for their children with the generous grant .
So here we are with another holiday season in front of us and many families in our community lost loved ones due to covid or are struggling from effects .
We decided to reach out to our partners at we are all in this together and see who they thought would benefit most from some helping hands and they suggested speaking with the staff at Gloucester High school that deal with the ESL population .
They shared with us how many students have little to no warm clothes and will not be prepared for winter .
Covid has cost the lives of some of their parents and loved ones .
We want to sponsor families to help them through the winter and hopefully provide a nice holiday season for them
We have began our mission to have families sponsored and also are looking for donations
If we are lucky enough to be chosen to receive the grant we could buy essentials for some families in that community .
We would also be able to provide a nice holiday for some as well
We welcome the opportunity to share our plan and hope that you will consider our vision for this grant