Cub Scout adventure gaming modules online

My son, Gavin, is currently a Webelos Cub Scout in our Den 5 group (six Scouts total) in Issaquah, Washington. I'm currently the assistant den leader, along with my wife, Annie. One of the challenges this year with the Covid pandemic, has been to develop engaging activities and programs for the Scouts in our Den.
As a writer, I have developed two online RPG, or roll-playing & gaming modules, that are adventures for the Scouts to play online via Zoom. The modules are fictional advtentures that focus on a mountain hike and another exploration of an alpine lake: there are encounters with wildlife and plants of the Pacific NW, examples of terrain that the Scouts must travel through to reach a destination; and teamwork-building exercises for them to problem-solve. The module incudes maps, images of animals and plants, and a variety of options for each encounter along the way, as the game progresses. Certain outcomes are determined by the roll of a six-sided dice, at gaming points along the way.
The work to create these modules has been 100% voluntary to our local Den 5 and Pack 682 in Issaquah, where we live. Our Scouts have test-played the first module in September: the Trek to Thunderbird Mountain -- any enjoyed it very much as well as learned about ecology of the Cascade Mountain range and the cultural heritage of Coast Salish people. The funding we seek would be used towards hiring a professional local graphic designer to create better maps, accompaying graphics and illustrations, and module layout, so that we can share the two modules with other Cub Scout Packs and Districts throughout Washington State, at no cost.