Art-To- Go (Fine Art Vending Machine)

When the pandemic struck in March, the arts world turned upside down and many working and studio artists found themselves without any outlet for their work. This was devastating for many. .Julie had seen an art vending machine in a museum and she and Kieran decided to combine their talents to see if they could do something similar in State College. The purpose was threefold:1.To bring visibility and future business opportunities to artists and the arts community.2.Build community 3.Provide a fun, safe way for people to purchase art as the pandemic stays at the forefront of everyday life.In April, we sourced and purchased a vintage cigarette machine. Over the summer, Kieran reconditioned it and Julie developed a program for artists to follow to make vendable works of art. A group of 10 pilot professional artists were invited to create a set of vendable works resulting in outstanding prototypes for new artists to glean inspiration from. When 3 Dots invited us to place the machine. We felt that this could be a perfect partnership. Art-to-Go and 3 Dots have similar missions of providing an artistic and innovative experience. We know that 3 Dots is intentionally different from just about every other place downtown and we hope that adding this unique installation to the building will reinforce that which the community already appreciates about 3 Dots. Comments from artists:.“I am delighted about the idea of re-purposing a vintage machine”... “It is like having a mini art gallery outside!". November will kick off the 2020 holiday shopping season. Many artists will be depending on much needed income to survive this next year. Our plan is that with 3 Dots, we will partner with other arts orgs. Such as The Makery, By Moms for Moms to support additional local artists using Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and other events as opportunities. Art-to-Go is a vibrant example of how we will continue to innovate and persevere during the pandemic.