LoveCRAFT T.O. is a travelling vending machine for local handmade arts & crafts.
A retired, vintage cigarette machine will be repurposed to sell works from local artisans and craft-makers. For just $5, patrons can choose from a small selection of work that will be within the machine and available for purchase. Coins go in, crafts come, Toronto awesomeness is produced! These crafts can really be anything that fits within a pre-determined size. Potential items include plushies, buttons, stickers, photos, keychains, etc. But the sky’s the limit. Artists will receive 100% of the funds from the sale of their work.
The goal of LoveCRAFT is to promote Toronto’s craft scene by placing the machine in different locations throughout the city – galleries, museums, libraries, coffee houses, bars, and other public spaces. Featured craft-makers and products will be rotated in monthly as LoveCRAFT travels, ensuring that there is always interest in learning “Where is LoveCRAFT this month? What fun crafts can I find?”
Businesses and institutions will be engaged to offer space for the machine. Volunteers will be recruited to transport the machine to its new home each month. Twitter and Facebook will keep the public updated on new locations and crafts as LoveCRAFT travels.
LoveCRAFT T.O. is inspired by the success of Pittsburgh’s Craft-O-Tron, which has made stops in local cafés, museums, and restaurants since its debut in 2010 ( It seems fitting to explore a partnership with Craft-O-Tron, whereby craft-makers in Toronto and Pittsburgh can be displayed in each others’ cities. There is also an opportunity to explore a partnership with Art-O-Mat, a similar project machines across the U.S. ( )
Eventually, there may be sufficient interest to add a second crafting machine (as in Pittsburgh). Locally, potential partners for the future include the Ontario Crafts Council, Toronto Craft Alert, City of Craft, and others.