Refloat the Titanic Volunteer Party

We are going to hold a refloat Titanic party in our heritage shipyard for 200 fed up volunteers.
We have the shipyard
We have the ship, Titanic, well John Oxley really but what's a repainted name
We have the film Titanic to show against the hull of John Oxley sorry Titanic
We will supply the popcorn and hot dogs
We have the organiser to run the 1912 costume prize and the "I can sing like Celine Dion" prize
We have 200 volunteers that have been locked out of their shipyard and restoration projects for 3 months who need an awesome restart party.
We are Sydney Heritage Fleet and one of the things we do is to restore Australian Maritime Heritage: James Craig, the 1874, 1000, tonne 3 masted barque; Waratah, a 1902 steam tug; and Lady Hopetoun, a magnificent 1902 steam launch, together with seven other vessels.
Our ships are restored and maintained by volunteers, over 450 of them who collectively volunteer over 100,000 hours a year to rebuild and crew our vessels for the benefit of visitors and tourists. Our shipyard has been shut down for 3 months and people are itching to get back to work. Our volunteers deserve to go back with a bang not a whimper hence this awesome event.
The Fleet receives no state or federal funding and rarely has enough money to indulge in fripperies like parties. Anything we spend we have to fundraise, so a contribution to do something specifically for our volunteers would be a huge morale boost.
The Heritage Fleet is unique there is no other organisation like it in the world the work it does is internationally recognised. The John Oxley which is on our drydock is the last Australian coastal steamship from an era when everything was moved by sea and by steam. We will rename John Oxley Titanic for the night. The Titanic's sinking changed ship construction and vessel safety world wide the John Oxley benefited from improved construction and crew safety, it is appropriate that we celebrate Titanic and the changes that followed the tragedy.
[Featured Image: Tony Belobrajdic]