Free To Be Me Drum Circle

Free To Be Me Drum Circle is a non-profit, all volunteer, charity group helping at risk kids, kids in grades K - 12, elders, people with special needs, and prison inmates by providing loving, educational drumming events. We go into convalescent hospitals where the residents can enjoy, and participate in, the music. We stimulate them by lifting their spirits and improving their motor skills. We've been to a few prisons where the inmates create unity, through the drum. In music, there is no conflict. Our goal has been to go into a women's prison, and that is now on our calendar. We will be drumming for, and with, 70 female prison inmates.
Free To Be Me Kool Kid Drummers after school enrichment program has been invited to drum at many events, including: Fiara de Libre (Festival of Books) where they met and played for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; "A Better LA/Live Peace, where they met USC Coach Pete Carroll, and the Biltmore Hotel where they performed for Grantmakers for Education. They've been featured on CNN news and 60 Minutes.
Some donations are used for our "Give a Kid a Drum" program. We've been able to present drums to over 150 students who express a desire and passion to carry on drumming after they pass from my class.
Once a month, we host a community drum circle in Hermosa Beach, providing drums and percussion, and inviting the community and onlookers to "play along with us" celebrating life through the rhythm of the drum. We are consistently looking for more volunteers to be of service by hosting, greeting, and participating with the people. Free To Be Me goes out of the box to create unity, healing, and celebration of life through the drum.
Laurie Angress and Dawn Nakagawa are very aware of our non-profit organization and are big supporters.