Home Builders Workshop

Our project is to start a new workforce development program to provide hands-on training to rehab a house. In addition to teaching skilled trades, this program will give MECCA Development Corporation an opportunity to rehab its first house and give back to low-income/senior/veteran households by requiring each participant to complete 2 service projects upon finishing the program.
The plan is to teach participants how to build-out a basement and fix home repair problems. The 12-week program schedule includes learning to use tools, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, and computer literacy. The program, targeting 20 underemployed or unemployed young adults between the ages of 18 and 35, will prepare participants with a skill set that can be utilized immediately and provide financial independence. Classes will begin June 4, 2019 and run through August 24, 2019. Sessions will be held twice per week on Tuesday and Saturday; 4 hours per session, at a home in disrepair or classroom setting with space for building mock walls.
The program will be promoted at the monthly community meetings for the three neighborhoods we work within. We will mail fliers, provide fliers directly to prospective participants at their door, and email those who’ve completed our “Community Asset Questionnaire” or attended a previous event.
Upon completion, participants will have thorough knowledge of how to finish a basement and install and fix various housing system problems. Attendees will receive a $50 stipend (to assist with transportation), a home repair guide and a small tool kit (upon completion). At the conclusion of the program, licensed builders will be able to hire the participants or participants can elect to pursue their builder’s license.