Tile Mosaic & Mural

Spurred on by images I saw on Instagram, I contacted the creator of some concrete benches (in CA) that had been mosaic-ed with beautiful scenes.
Next I contacted Raleigh Parks to find out where there are some concrete park benches in Raleigh, and they immediately got stoked about my project proposal. However, there may or may not be any concrete benches. So, they suggested a wall at Laurel Hills Park that would be a great place for the project.
Once I saw the wall, my idea morphed into a painted mural/tile mosaic combo project on the wall. Parks Dept. is seeking for approval from the stakeholders of that place, and we are hoping to enlist some volunteers to assist in the painting segment of the project (I love community art projects; helping people wax creative).
I have a couple of potential designs for the space and plan to work with the Public Art department (and the stakeholders @Laurel Hills if that is where we do the project) to make it a good fit for the setting.
I would love to be part of bringing more beautiful and public art to the city of Raleigh. And I am thrilled with the receptivity for this project that I have received from the Parks department and the Public Art department.
Photos I am including feature the Instagram shots as well as the proposed wall site @ Laurel Hills Park.
*so far we have not found any concrete park benches, even with the help of the Parks department.