Down Home non-profit

Down Home serves people in Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota, who are transitioning from homelessness into permanent housing. Down Home works with community agencies to identify families and individuals who qualify for Down Home's service. Once a family or individual is identified, Down Home works closely with the referral agency and the client in preparation and anticipation of the move in date. Down home gathers all the necessary items to transform an empty space into a home to embrace, well suited for family security, comfort, and time together.
We complete each space with couches, beds, comforters, dining room table/chairs, lamps, shower curtains, bathroom accessories, rugs, end tables, dressers, etc. We provide the whole kit-and-caboodle. Down Home is determined to embrace and empower families and individuals to dream their dreams big and believe they can be. Each client creates a Pay It Forward Plan to be involved in the community and continue to make connections for success. Down Home is empowering lives one home at a time as we follow the family and provide additional resources and supports for a year following their move-in. We humbly invite The Awesome Foundation to join us in this mission. Please check out our videos under the Families tab from our Home Page to see how we transform an empty space into a welcoming home.