Grass Valley, CA (Non-active)

Cette branche n'est actuellement non-active. Une branche non-active est une branche qui n’a pas remis de bourse au cours des six derniers mois. Veuillez nous contacter si cela vous intéresse de relancer cette branche.

A Propos

AWESOME GVNC is dedicated to helping the area to become even more awesome, $1,000 at a time.

At this point, we're just getting started in our search for trustees - people willing to put up $100 a month and attend a fun evening of pitches once a month. If you know someone who fits the bill, please tell them about us. We'll be up and funding in no time!

In the mean time, join our Facebook group at AWESOME GVNC.

We are not accepting grant applications just yet.

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