Hui Peer-to-Peer Parenting Support Program

The Zero to Three Parent Survey in 2016 (National) reports a high need and desire of parents to learn parenting strategies and have peer support of other parents to raise healthy children and prevent child abuse and neglect from occuring in their home.
The Hui Peer-to-Peer Parenting Support Program is parents helping parents (with a researched based curriculum) through the journey of parenting.
The goals of the Hui program are to:
" Help families raise healthy children
" Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect
The objectives of the Hui Peer Parenting Support Programs are to:
" Provide parents with the supports they need so that their children can grow to their optimal development
" Help parents develop their own parenting style recognizing the highly significant impact that their actions have during the early childhood years, prenatal to age 5, where brain development is at its peak and is most vulnerable;
" Provide parents knowledge of typical early childhood development
" Provide parents knowledge and access to child development screenings to detect concerns of possible developmental delays while early intervention is most effective as well as resources and referrals to support them
" Providing parents science based parenting strategies that are appropriate for their child's age
" Help parents develop social connections with other families in their neighborhood that naturally become a families' network of support that may continue well beyond the formal Family Hui program into their children's adolescent years.
" Develop leaders within communities by training volunteer parents participating in a Hui group to facilitate the 10-12 weeks of content discussion.
" Expand the Hui program reach to serve more families on Maui and Lanai and begin outreach efforts on Kauai, Molokai, and Hawaii to bring Hui to these communities.
Hui is the only FREE peer-to-peer parenting program in Hawaii. We ask families to give back by volunteering to run a new Hui in their community.