LGBTQIA+ Youth Summit for Austin ISD

The Austin Awesome Foundation is excited to contribute $1000 to fund an Austin Independent School District (AISD) - wide LGBTQIA+ student summit that coincides with AISD Pride Week in October 2018. The summit will take place at Fulmore Middle School.
The summit will have six educational tracks: Drag, LGBTQIA+ Elementary Students, LGBTQIA+ Elementary & High School Students, Parents, and AISD Teachers & Staff. The elementary track will include drag queen reading hour, gender dress, makeup time, little kid yoga, different types of families, and LGBTQIA+ elementary reading.
Topics for middle and high school students include LGBTQIA+ language, how to start a Gay/Straight Alliance, LGBTQIA+ history, safe social media use, healthy relationships, the science of transition, different types of families, intersections of race and identity, a writing workshop, LGBTQ young adult literature, and political activism. Allies will attend a four-hour ally training.
The parent track will include a PFLAG panel, LGBTQIA+ language, how to address LGBTQIA+ bullying, safe social media use, healthy relationships, LGBTQIA+ public policy, the science of transition, different types of families, intersections of race and identity, LGBTQIA+ books for parents, and political activism.
The teacher/school staff track will include LGBTQIA+ language, how to start a Gay/Straight Alliance, addressing LGBTQIA+ bullying, public policy, intersections of race and identity, LGBTQIA+ books and resources for educators, incorporating LGBTQIA+ topics into Social Emotional Learning, and political activism.
The drag track will be specifically for students interested in learning the history and art of drag. They will work individually with a drag queen from the Austin area to prepare a drag performance for the drag show at the end of the summit.