Farm to Table Initiative

Rolling Hills Catholic School started the 2017
-2018 school year providing their students from PK3-8th grade with nutritious lunches and afterschool snacks. This was made possible through a partnership with Redbird Farmacy Restaurant, who is dedicated to educate and inspire others on how diet and proper nutrition can heal your body from the inside out. The previous lunches the students were offered were your typical school lunches that children all over America are provided on a daily basis with highly processed foods with many preservatives. We are at the first phase of our farm to table initiative to provide our students with nutritious meals and to teach them about nutrition. The foods that are prepared for them, mainly come from local farms. The students are learning to enjoy fruits and vegetables as well as learning healthy alternatives to chicken burgers, lasagna, and hotdogs. The next phase to our initiative is to start our school garden on our school acreage. We need funding to get this next phase started.