Community Cup

July’s Awesome Ottawa award goes to Chris Sheppard and Shawn MacDonell to support a Stanley-Cup-type trophy — a Community Cup — given to someone new each week, chosen by the previous week’s winner.
“The idea,” explains Shawn, “is to celebrate everyday people in Ottawa. The trophy will be awarded ambush-style, with the event documented and shared online, along with the story of the winner as told by the person who did the choosing.”
“The short amount of time between winners is meant to encourage people not to think too hard about it,” Shawn continues. “The Community Cup could go to someone who always packs your groceries super well, or to the folks who clean the streets of the city. The message is that everyone can be a champion.”
Chris is a part-time skateboarder and full-time dad, and Shawn is the founder of a creative agency. You’ll be able to follow the Community Cup on Twitter.