Project Hawai'i Adventures Abound Summer Camp

Project Hawai’i, Inc.’s mission is to enhance the lives of homeless children on Hawai’i Island and Oahu throughout the year by providing interactive programs. Our goal is to help them escape their cycle of poverty by helping them gain self-esteem, build life and social skills, and keep them healthy. We are a nonprofit organization that is run 100% by volunteers and solely supported by public donations.
Project Hawaii’s work is needed because homelessness in Hawai’i is increasing at rapid rates. The sad fact is that our islands are poverty stricken! Our homeless children of Hawai'i live without running water, or electricity, let alone daily meals. They live in cars, tents and bushes. To escape this cycle, they need resources that teach them the skills needed. Not unlike a developing country, our children are facing the same dilemma right here in Hawai'i. Thousands of children live without a roof over their head. The children are eating off the streets, getting diseases from lack of hygiene, and falling through the cracks of education. A 2016 Homeless Point-In-Time Count found that the total number of homeless on Oahu is up 25 percent from 2009. And many of these are children!
Our traveling adventure summer camp session provides the keiki with the opportunity to learn about our island with hands-on experiences to excite their imagination. Project Hawai'i Summer Camp offers our children a unique, and sometimes once in a lifetime opportunity, to explore places of the island otherwise out of their financial reach. Our team of volunteers are dedicated to provide a well-rounded educational program to involve as many of the islands' wonders as possible.