Help Children with All Abilities!

Free to Be Me Drum Circle, and Unique Reflection have collaborated to create a magical space that will provide family entertainment combining recreation, dance, music, art, and sensory safe gym equipment in a safe, clean, climate controlled, adult parent/guardian supervised environment for all families reaching out to those with special needs and their loved ones. We are a dynamic team that brings the elements of fun and exciting drum circles that are filled with, creative expressive music, native and artistic instruments, vibrant decorations, music and self-appreciation education, dancing, singing and more. As well as Arts & Crafts that promote confidence, self-expression, high self-esteem, and loving yourself. using vibrant materials positive and inspiring images, and fabrics. We have been very successful mobile for many years and are looking for a great physical location to plant some roots. This unique partnership will be an enhancement for many children and families will all abilities, backgrounds, and cultures on a variety of levels beyond your imagination.
We believe your gift will be the catalyst that will provide us the opportunity to be a great influence, assist in building and bringing out the natural intelligence and talents in children of all backgrounds and enriching the lives of families, and community. Your gift will be a pillar and anchor in making this magical place Rock!