Our Diverse Community Mural

The high school I teach at is working hard to improve its image in the community. After a difficult year, we were lucky to gain an amazing new principal who has turned our school around. As an art teacher, I would like to do my part to change the negative perception of our school, and enhance the positive aspects. One of the best qualities of our school is the diversity of the staff and student population. More than 50 nationalities are represented at our school, and that has inspired the theme of our mural. Despite the wonderful things happening inside the building, the outside of the building has a stark, institutional look. To change this, and change the face we are presenting to the community, my students will design and paint a mural that represents the diversity and individuality of the students at Washington High School. The mural will be designed and painted on canvas in the classroom, and then permanently affixed to the front wall of the school. It will create a bright, positive, and proud appearance to the community, and will give the students enormous pride.