Shock and 'Awe - some' Piqua/Troy Football Game

I would like to provide some awesome moments at the Piqua - Troy Football game that can be enjoyed by our large crowd. These moments will provide a lot of spirit and pump up the crowd. It will also draw a lot of attention to your organization. I will prepare two videos that celebrate our students and or fans to show on our large screen score board. A sample script might say something like, "Piqua fans are the best in our conference. You have done a great job this season and I along with the Awesome Piqua Foundation would like to show our appreciation by giving you this..." the jumbo scoreboard screen would go black then two cannons will shoot massive amounts of confetti over the audience. Another video would be at a different point in the game but ending with the same words...I along with the Awesome Piqua Foundation would like to show our appreciation by giving you this..." then a large number (around 500) of small foam footballs with Piqua Indians on them would be thrown into the audience. A final video could be made with members of your group saying something like, "If you enjoyed tonight's spirit provided by Awesome Piqua and you have an idea that would be awesome to do in our community, visit (insert website here) to share your idea and get one thousand dollars to fund your idea." Of course the message can say anything you like, but it would be a great way for us to recognize your sponsorship while also bringing awareness to a large crowd of Piqua citizens. Most importantly, this will provide a lot of spontaneous and surprise fun at a well attended community event.