Bee Brave Buddies Corporation

I have designed 3 adorable beautifully bald dolls for children in treatment with cancer called Bee Brave Buddies. . Kids shouldn’t have to deal with Cancer or other life-threatening diseases, but they do! My dolls were created to make these children brave(R) than they should every have to be. There are three Bee Brave Buddies to chose from, Buddy Brave, our boy super hero doll, Bestie Brave, a best friend forever super hero for girls and Catie Cuddles, our fancy lacey girly doll.
My dolls are created in my Miami Beach based studio. All fabrics are printed in the USA from my exclusive whimsical designs.
I have personally gifted hundreds of dolls for the past 15 months and now proud to announce I have become a nonprofit 501(c)3 ”.
Each doll is soft, colorful, cuddly and bald, showing children that they can still be beautiful and strong even without hair. Each doll comes with a matching hat or headband. The super heroes come with soft minky cape. The girl dolls have special words printed on their long leggings such as giggle, hope, brave, cuddle, snuggle, dream, hugs, smile, laugh, play. Each doll is available in a Caucasian or African-American version. Each doll has a big heart printed on the back of their bald head.
Any family or friend who has a child with cancer can request a doll on our web site (nomination page) and we will send the doll as a gift from Bee Brave Buddies to that child. We also partner with any accredited pediatric cancer hospitals or clinics across the US to give boxes of dolls monthly to the children.
Our mission is to provide support to children and young adults with cancer and other serious illnesses through gifting of our dolls, books and other gifts. Every week, I receive pictures of these children hugging their new Bee Brave Buddies. Their smiles are beautiful. I hope to be able to give these dolls to every child with cancer across the US. Your help would make a big difference!