Composting at O'Maley Innovation Middle School

Our idea is to establish a composting system in the cafeteria at O’Maley in partnership with Black Earth Haulers. Trash removal at O’Maley has gotten very expensive. In addition, many students are uninterested in eating school lunch and are just throwing it out. Our plan will reduce trash costs and provide costly compost for free as well as establishing a sustainable garden at O’Maley that will educate and feed the school, students and staff alike. The system will be one bin for each grade’s lunch with a small bucket in the kitchen for cooking scraps. Black Earth will take away our bins weekly and in return bring us compost which will benefit the school’s gardens and get everyone at the school more involved. We will be educating everyone on what is and isn’t compostable at school wide assemblies and short videos to view in homeroom (Black Earth’s bin’s also have helpful signs that inform students about what can be composted). Amazingly, many students at O’Maley didn’t even know we had a school garden. With the help of Backyard Growers, we hope to create more planting and harvestings days schoolwide providing fresh produce for everyone to enjoy. Along with Black Earth Haulers and Backyard Growers, our school chefs and faculty member Caitlin Sumner (8th grade science teacher) are on board. With the support of many, a well devised plan, and $1000 we can make this idea into a reality.