Paint Orlando Blue for Child Abuse Prevention

Approximately sixty at risk children from multiple locations in Orlando and Orange County will create original works of art, with narratives to be exhibited for Paint Orlando Blue in April 2016. Paint Orlando Blue is a month long initiative, led by The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families for the prevention of child abuse. Children from Great Oaks Village, Edgewood Children's Ranch, The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families, West Orange Boys and Girls Club, Smith Neighborhood Center, and others will create the art. Different art projects will be planned for each location using a variety of mediums and techniques. Some projects will address the issue of child abuse and prevention. Others will celebrate the joy of a happy childhood. All projects wil give unheard children a voice, the chance to tell the stories of a thousand untold stories.
All art will be completed under the guidance of Renée Schneider. Art will be created January - March 2016. The art will be displayed for 2-6 weeks at 4 or more public locations and 2 or more events. Venues selected for exhibits are Orlando City Hall, Orange County Administration Building, SoBo Gallery and St. Luke's United Methodist Church. Some of the art will also be displayed at Spring Swirl and Hear the Story fundraising events for The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families. Based on past years' figures it is estimated that 2,000-2,500 people will view these exhibits.
"We art enthusiasts like to talk about the power of art to enlighten, inspire and heal. It’s something else to see it happen. They see it happen at the Howard Phillips Center and other agencies that continue to welcome Renee’s participation in therapy programs, and when the children’s original writing opens minds to new insights and expands awareness of an unseen community crisis. It’s the reason why advocates and volunteers increasingly use the beautiful designs to tell stories that spark compassion and support."
-Sara Segal