Milk + Bookies

Milk + Bookies is a non-profit organization that exposes young children to how great it feels to give back while celebrating the love of a good book. The mission of Milk + Bookies is to spread the love of reading to those who can not afford books of their own. Milk + Bookies teaches teaches children the importance of giving, and instills in them self-confidence, pride and a sense of goodwill-all wonderful byproducts of the Milk + Bookies brand of philanthropy.
As hosts we have planned a book-raiser at a local bookstore. At this event the children are invited to choose, inscribe and donate books to their local peers in need and want of appropriate reading materials. After the donation portion, attendees will join us for story time with an accompanying activity and of course, Milk and Cookies! All donations will be presented to the children of Lotus House.