Senior/kindergarten walk together project

We would like to coordinate a community event for the Class of 2025 (seniors) and the Class of 2037 (kindergarten) during the week of IHS Homecoming.
We are looking to establish a connection between the two grade levels as a way to promote kindness across the community. We have seen a few variations of this on YouTube and TikTok, and we have a plan to bring it here to Ipswich.
Our idea is simple, have the current kindergarten classes of both Doyon and Winthrop, meet with the current Senior Class of IHS. This would happen on the turf field at Jack Welch Stadium, prior to an event during IHS homecoming/spirit week, October 21-25.
We will work with the school administration to coordinate. We want to have the kids on each end of the field, walk toward the middle and take a big group photo. The seniors could give the kindergarteners something(a note, sticker, etc.) to signify passing along school spirit and a sense of belonging to the school community.
Our hope is through community donations we could get t-shirts for the students and make this a tradition for all, knowing they are part of something bigger, a community that cares for them and they are proud of. We know we have support from other parents, now we want to ask for yours.