Boulder Student Art at 1175 Lee Hill

Art@1175 is looking to kick off our public art installations with a seasonal art piece inspired by Boulder’s talented High School art students. The theme is entitled "How did the Boulder flood affect your vision of home?” Our intent is to recognize and reflect on the effects the recent Boulder flood has had on many of our lives. We have gathered a distinguished jury of local art industry professionals to review the submissions and choose up to 18 art pieces that best reflect the theme and the student's talent.
Building construction at 1175 Lee Hill Drive has just begun, and a 6-foot construction fence has been installed around the perimeter of the site. The intention is to have the student’s art work displayed on the construction fence for up to three months where they will be viewed by the public. Art@1175 public art committee envisions this as a wonderful opportunity for the students to be able to not only showcase their artistic talent in a very visible location (corner of Broadway and Lee Hill), but to also have an item for their college applications and portfolios. This project not only engages students and the community, but the final product enhances and beautifies an otherwise unsightly construction area.