Private Schooner Sail for LGBTQ+ Youth and Friends

The Cape Ann Pride Coalition has an offer from Gloucester's Schooner Adventure to host a private, safe-space sail for LGBTQ+ youth from around Cape Ann, ages 13-18, with adult chaperones and Adventure crew. LGBTQ+ youth are under increasing attack nationwide, and also being used as pawns in political debates they're not even able to vote in. They need supportive, safe, fun spaces, of their own--and this opportunity seems perfectly suited to combine Cape Ann's unique sailing culture and history and our great sense of community and valuing all young people. The cost for the private sale, which will take place in late June, sometime during Fiesta Weekend, is $2500-$3000, and up to 45-50 spaces could be made available to teens and their friends. With a $1000 grant from Awesome Gloucester (and, we hope a matching one from Awesome Rockport), we're confident we could raise the remaining amount and give these youth an experience they''ll never forget..