RISE: Stories of Sisterhood

Our awesome project, ‘RISE: Stories of Sisterhood’ is a celebration of resilience, empowerment, and community among asylum-seeking women, refugees, and their children in Glasgow. ‘Stories of Sisterhood’ will be a vibrant event taking place as part of Refugee Festival Scotland 2024, where we will provide a platform for women to share their experiences, forge connections, and build solidarity through the art of storytelling.
At its core, ‘RISE: Stories of Sisterhood’ is about amplifying, and celebrating, voices that are often marginalised or silenced. By creating a safe and inclusive space for storytelling, we empower participants to reclaim their narratives and celebrate the strength and diversity of their journeys. By bringing together diverse voices and backgrounds, we will promote social cohesion and combat isolation, ultimately enhancing community wellbeing.
In addition to storytelling, ‘RISE: Stories of Sisterhood’ will also involve foodsharing, symbolising the unity and nourishment that comes from community support. By breaking bread together, attendees form meaningful connections and celebrate the diversity of their stories.
As we mark the 10th anniversary of Unity Sisters, ‘RISE: Stories of Sisterhood’ represents a milestone in our commitment to uplifting and empowering marginalised women and girls. By supporting this project, the Awesome Foundation can help make Glasgow a more awesome place by celebrating the resilience and diversity of girls, women, non-binary, and all trans people in our communities.