DISCOVERY & JOY Celebrating Children & their Art

Children ages 8-15 at Edgewood Children’s Ranch, Orlando Union Rescue Mission, & Maxey Elementary School will create artwork exploring individual discovery & the joy (& sorrow) of childhood. Three of the art projects will include a cultural component. Teen girls at Edgewood Children’s Ranch will draw large self-portraits accompanied by written narratives. Tweens & teens at Edgewood will learn about Spirit Animals, a sacred tradition of Indigenous peoples, then create a portrait of a spirit animal they feel an affinity for & admire. Orlando Union Rescue Mission tweens & teens will learn about Adinkra fabric printing & woven Kente cloth from Ghana, then create individual symbols & patterned artwork inspired by both art forms. Their individual art pieces will be put together to form a large group banner. Third grade students at Maxey Elementary School will learn about Oaxacan wood carving then use neon paint & paint markers to create butterflies inspired by this Mexican folk-art style. Students at each location will explore a different art medium. Mediums used will include - pastels, oil pastels, painting & block printing. We hope to share short presentations by local residents from each of the countries represented with the students.
The art will be displayed at “A Perfect Union Gallery” in Ocoee May 4 - June 2, 2024. An opening reception for the student artists, their parents, & invited guests from local communities will be held May 4th 5:30-7:30. We are pursuing food donations for the reception from restaurants representing various cultures. We plan to include a performance by students who attend drama classes at Finding the Lost Sheep-Impact Center in Winter Garden. The art display will also feature artwork by local folk artist Dafeney Josue. Dafeney is assisting with planning the art project for Maxey Elementary students. She will also work with the students as they create their art.