Glosta Lobsta

Many Gloucester fishermen rely on catching lobster as part of their living. This year, soft shell lobsters were selling between $2.50 and $3.50 per pound. They usually sell between $3.50 and $4.50 per pound off the docks. Prices have been as high as $7 a pound. Lobstermen really need to be getting $4 a pound to pay their bills and make a living. HOWEVER, lobster landed off local boats is increased $1 to $2 per pound by retailers before being sold to restaurants, shippers and food processors. Restaurants will double the prices of the lobsters in their restaurants.
The “Glosta Lobsta” project intends to promote soft shell lobsters landed in Gloucester and bring more money to local fishermen. This project is a pilot project that intends to connect consumers with local fishermen and promote soft-shell lobsters which are normally sweeter than hard shell lobsters. The big difference is that soft shell lobsters, due to their naturally weakened shell after molting, are not likely to survive shipping or transportation. This reduces their value.
We want to have a “Glosta Lobsta Day” on October 19th. We would like to work with three restaurants with the agreement that they will prepare local soft shell lobster using a creative recipe that can be sold to customers. They agree to give us the exact recipe. In exchange local restaurants will help promote "Glosta Lobsta Day."