Gloucester Transition your service!

The Gloucester Transition Program is the Gloucester Public Schools' personalized, community-based program for 18-22 year-olds who have completed high school, and remain eligible for special education support. Participants focus on training, daily living skills, and employment opportunities to ease their transition to adulthood.
The 2022-2023 year in the Transition Program was filled with tremendous individual growth, determination, generosity, joy, creativity, collaboration, self-advocacy, and accomplishment.
In addition to paid employment positions; our team worked together to build job skills while donating our services to improve the Gloucester community!
Collectively, we:
- Organized 4 major events, hosting a total of 134 community members
- Made 78 delicious thank you gifts
- Provided 1,260 hours of clerical support and meal service at the Gloucester Preschool; including the distribution of 6,042 student breakfasts and 7,632 student lunches
- Redirected 15 pounds of food waste to the animals at Marshall’s Farm
- Volunteered 50 hours of clerical and event support at the Rose Baker Senior Citizens Center
- Invested 75 hours in the mission of the GHS Food Locker by restocking their shelves
- Contributed 45 hours weighing and bagging vegetables at Open Door for Gloucester’s food insecure residents
- Gave 315 hours of retail service at the Second Glance Thrift Store
- Delivered 6,256 free newspapers to GHS classrooms
- Collected and gave 32 boxes of used newspapers to Cape Ann Animal Aid
Those experiences gave our participants a chance to know Gloucester. Now, we want Gloucester to get to know our participants! We are applying for this grant to purchase work shirts for our participants that include the participant's name and the Gloucester Transition Program logo, By providing our volunteer crew a consistent, professional uniform, the Gloucester community will come to know our participants by name, and recognize their professional dedication and work ethic.