FAME is back May 13th at City Arts Gallery for a one of a kind event celebrating the cultural renaissance emerging in the city beautiful Orlando. FAME will be an immersion into the culture of Orlando taking place in the heart of the downtown arts district FAME stands for Fashion, Art, Music, Experience and will highlight local artisans showcasing various forms of artistic expression.
FAME is for creatives, artists, entrepreneurs and connoisseurs of different backgrounds with a common goal of enhancing the creative experience of our local community through the arts.
FAME will serve as a platform for creatives to network and share their skills, passions, and various interests in a historic space right in the heart of the downtown arts district.
There is a “cultural renaissance” emerging in the city beautiful. With that movement comes a need for artistic patronage. Supporting artists, their work, and their platforms is important to keeping the local art movement alive. The mission of FAME is to propel this movement.