Give a treat to a Senior!

My name is Rosalie Nicastro, I work for the Glou. Health Dept. My job is grant funded to take Senior out on our Seniors on the Go Bus. I am limited to what we can do. I pick Seniors up at their house. I take them shopping for groceries. I try to get them to buy healthy food and to get some exercise. During the summer I take them to walk the boulevard. Two days a week we go to groceries stores of their choice. I also take them to Marshall’s ;s Farm stand and to local fish markets. Once a month I take them to the Senior Center to attend the Mobile Mart at which the Open Door give the seniors fresh veggies, eggs, bread. & fruit. On the second Monday of the month I take them on a Mystery Trip. I have to take them to a store where they can buy healthy food and get some exercise. They love to go to Walmart and Job Lots. My grant rents a bus and driver from CATA. If I received the grant fro Awesome Gloucester. I would use the money to take the seniors out to lunch. They always ask can we go out for lunch. The current grant I have does not allow me to buy lunch for the seniors. Receiving this grant would allow me to buy a healthy lunch at a Gloucester restaurant or maybe a healthy take out lunch. The seniors on my bus hardly get out of the house. They would love to go to a nice Gloucester restaurant & be treated special. Thank you for your consideration.