Kolyada: Slavic winter festival

We'd like to organize a celebration of the Slavic Winter Festival Kolyada to honor the new sun during the winter solstice. The festival brings together Slavic traditions from Ukraine, Russia, and Belorus. We will revel the winter solstice with traditional singing & dancing, ancient rituals performing, masked performances, traditional crafts workshops and tasting historic holiday food. The festival will welcome 150 attendees. We work with 2 traditions' keepers: Olena Bilyk (Ukraine) & Siarhei Douhushau (Belorus).
Our festival recognizes the growing diversity within communities, helps immigrants and refugees with Eastern European roots to integrate into society, and allows the general public an opportunity to learn firsthand about slavic culture.
We believe that the festival itself has a huge potential for growth in the local community. It will give the younger generation a new way to learn the traditions of different countries and help them value living in democratic countries such as the USA.
In the "Images of the project" you can see photos of our summer festival Kupala and visualization board for the winter one and photos of Kolyada masks from our October workshops.