High School Teacher Room Refresh

As I'm sure you know, teachers around the country are having one of the hardest years they've ever had in their careers. They are working extremely hard through impossible, pandemic situations to still provide quality education to their beloved students but they are struggling mentally. I have been teaching at Rockport High School for 13 years and I have never seen as much teacher burnout as I have this year. We are looking for ways to make the staff feel loved, appreciated, and provide a morale boost. The Teacher's Room (where they often lesson plan, have meetings, and eat lunch) is a very ugly room, made even worse last year when the teachers graciously voted to give that room up to use as a Covid quarantine room. All of the art was taken off the walls, comfortable furniture removed, etc. The room really needs a makeover. There are a few staff members who are ready to take the project on in order to try to bring some much need support to the hard working teachers, but we lack funds. We would be paying for the project out of pocket.