Grandmont Rosedale: Love Where You Live project

The Grandmont Rosedale community faces challenges associated with litter on a daily basis. Many of the community’s vacant lots and public spaces (i.e. parks, farmers’ market, commercial corridors, etc.) have been overrun by litter and illegal dumping of hazardous materials (i.e. tires or furniture). To address these concerns, we are launching an anti-litter campaign called “Love Where You Live” (LWYL). LWYL will engage all members of the community (youth/adult residents, business owners, clergy, etc.) to remove and prevent litter and illegal dumping. We will achieve these goals by organizing routine clean-ups and by raising awareness about the importance of maintaining clean neighborhoods. In the first year of the campaign we aim to collect a minimum of 1,000 “pledge cards” (promises from community members to be litter-free) and to conduct at least 24 clean-ups. Pledge cards will be displayed on our social media accounts to increase awareness of the anti-litter campaign and to inspire additional community members to join in. Those who take the pledge will also receive a LWYL window decal or yard sign to increase campaign presence in the community and to continuously remind them of their commitment to be litter-free.