Holiday Hamper Program

Girls Inc. of York Region needs the support of our community this holiday season! During the COVID-19 pandemic, GIYR launched its first ever Food Support Program. This program helps to support the families of the girls, ages 6 to 18, that GIYR serves by providing weekly grocery gift cards, bi-weekly food boxes, hygiene kits, and school supplies to families in need in York Region.
The holiday season is upon us, and we are asking for a donation of $1,000 to help GIYR give these families a Christmas or Holiday that they deserve. We know that not all families are able to provide a holiday meal and gifts for their child(ren) without community support. The grocery gift cards, especially, have been a huge help for parents - it's restored their autonomy to be able to shop for exactly what they need for their kids. We want to continue to empower parents this holiday season through Holiday Hampers.
Each Holiday Hamper includes:
• A basket of hygiene products and stocking stuffers donated by community sponsors
• Warm mittens and hats for the entire family
• Gift cards to a large department store so that parents can choose what presents to buy for their child(ren)
• A grocery gift card for their family holiday meal
Thanks to generous donations from community organizations, we have hygiene products and stocking stuffers for the Holiday Hampers, but we need your help to purchase gift cards. We have estimated that to provide a family with the ability to purchase their child(dren) gifts and provide a holiday meal will be about $100 per person.
We can tell you how impactful this gift will be. GIYR is a small, grassroots organization and know these families well. They have built strong relationships with our Social Service Workers, who deliver weekly food gift cards and do a mental health and wellness check-in with each visit. Your donation will be the difference between a family being able to provide their children with a Christmas or Holiday celebration or going without.