Solace Rapid Response Revolving Fund

When an adult has been raped by a stranger, or a child has been sexually abused by a family member, the long road to recovery often starts with finding a safe place to stay. Whether the victim is a homeless woman who has been sexually assaulted on the street or a young mother whose child has disclosed sexual abuse at the hands of a family member, safety can often require a brief stay at a local hotel. In New Mexico, we are very fortunate that the Crime Victims Reparation Commission (CVRC) has the funds to make this kind of immediate, short-term housing possible.
But interpersonal violence is rarely disclosed during business hours and safe housing can’t wait until the next business day. That’s why a Rapid Response Revolving Fund is so important. While our advocates are available 24/7, the CVRC operates only during business hours. And no system is without hiccups. A missed phone call, a lost form, or a simple error in the paperwork can result in a delayed response and a frightening night without a roof overhead. A thousand-dollar grant from the Awesome Foundation would enable Solace Advocates to cover the cost of hotel rooms up-front for several nights (for more than one family) while the CVRC processes the paperwork.
There are times when the CVRC is required to deny a reimbursement request for a variety of technical reasons. Fortunately, there are generous hotel operators in Santa Fe who occasionally comp a room when a CVRC application is denied. When that is not an option, we are confident that Solace’s generous donors will help us replenish the fund. With this model, the Awesome Foundation’s gift will be a seed that bears fruit for years to come.
The concept is simple - no complicated budget is necessary. This project will start as soon as the award is received and will go on indefinitely. Your Awesome Award will be used to create revolving account. When a victim of a violent crime needs emergency housing, the request will be reviewed on the spot in-house and the person will be taken to a hotel immediately, The revolving fund will be replenished by funds awarded by CVRC or by donors. With your help, no one who have been a victim of a violent crime will ever have to sleep under a bridge because the funds could not be immediately accessed. THAT'S AWESOME!