Cedar Centre

Cedar Centre is currently working with a number of its community partners to develop the first Child/Youth Advocacy Centre for York Region. This exciting project will see all of the organizations that traditionally respond to a child in need of protection integrated into a single service model and co-located in a shared space in York Region. The purpose of this exciting new model is to reduce the risk of retraumatizing children/youth and their caregivers as they try to navigate a siloed service and justice sector. Integration will lead to increased coordination of service partners and co-location will reduce the need for children/youth and their families to travel across the region for forensic collection, interviewing and court involvement.
Cedar Centre, the smallest of the five project partners (York Regional Police, Dnaagdawenmag Binnoojiiyag, Jewish Family and Child Services, York Region Children's Aid Society), will be the host of this new service and will therefore need to acquire a space for co-location. In order to raise the funds for the creation of the space, the Centre is planning to launch a Capital Campaign in the coming year. A pro-bono creative team has been assembled to assist the project team to brand the campaign and to write and produce the campaign materials for the impending campaign. Recently, the team identified the need for the Centre to own and use it's own unique graphics for the Campaign, as the current selection of 'stock' photos are not complementary or sensitive to the purpose, tone or nature of the campaign.