Cooking Up English

Cooking Up English uses cooking as a tool to teach English. The program is intended for those learning English as a second language. Weekly classes, conversation partners, and simple challenges encourage our students to practice what they learn in class.
Once per week for five consecutive weeks, we explore a new recipe focused on a particular food genre. Because there is so much culture wrapped up in our food, we are able to teach more than just vocabulary. So far, we have created a number of different series including Comfort Foods, American Breakfasts, Healthy Local Foods, and Southern Foods.
Cooking Up English provides the kitchen, the tools, the food, the recipes and the instructors. This is no ordinary language class! So far, we have provided services to students from over 15 countries so far and a variety of languages!. The language proficiency varies in each class, but it works because the common language is food.
An Awesome Foundation grant will help Cooking Up English expand services services and create an inclusive, welcoming community for new immigrants, refugees, foreign students and spouses, and other non-native speakers in Austin.