
We are creating six little free lending libraries across North Boulder as a way to focus on the community's need and desire for a real library/resource center. We raised enough money for three libraries and we need to raise $1000 for each of the next three sculptural little libraries. Our first and to date only installation was at Lucky's Market. It is called the Spaceship Little Lending Library. We are collaborating with NoBo Art District to make this project happen. They put out the call for designs for sculptural little lending libraries. A jury picked four designs. We decided to pay the artists $1000 for each library which was a novel idea because usually artists are asked to do their work for free. We have made presentations to the Boulder Arts Commission, the Library Commission, the Planning Commission, City Council, Boulder Housing Partners and the Boulder Shelter about little lending libraries. In doing so, we learned from Boulder Housing Partners that they were willing to donate a space to us for a store front library as the next step on our way to getting a branch of the library in North Boulder. Now, we will ask for community input and we will survey our community to be sure we fulfill the needs of our fast growing neighborhood. This project is awesome. It is positive and not political. It keeps bringing us closer and closer as a community. The Little Lending Libraries are not only functional but they are works of art so we are able to promote art and community and learning.