
I see too many children playing sport without an essential peice of equipment -the simple helmet. My passion is cycling and I see so many kids riding their bikes without a helmet. I have also, a very long time ago, lost an uncle who died from falling off his bike and hitting his head on the curb.
Helmets can also reduce the severity of concussions and I've had a few of these and I'm fully aware of the long term effects. Whether its due to lack of money or because the child's helmet isn't "cool", I want to see more children wearing a bicycle helmet. Using my ability to purchase cycling products at cost (not retail), my project is to get as many kids helmets as I can possibly purchase, work with a local non-profit and get the helmets to children and talk with them about cycling safety. Primarily to underprivileged families. Even though I do not live in the catchment area of the chapter I have selected below, my project would be for those who do do live in the chapter area - Newmarket, Ontario..