Farmworker Struggle Mural

I want to have the first ever outdoor mural in Woodburn, Oregon be a mural that captures the contributions of farmworkers in the community.
Woodburn has a long history that captures the history of landowners and in the same light ignores the contributions of farmworkers that built the community.
The project would be awesome because it would:
1. Beautify a part of Woodburn''s old industrial section of the town (a stone throw away from downtown).
2. Create a dialogue in the community about farmworker contributions
3. and ultimately unite the community to paint.
How will it be Woodburn's FIRST EVER outdoor mural? Woodburn has prohibited outdoor murals since its incorporation. However, this past August the CAPACES Leadership Institute and myself were able to get the Woodburn City Council to approve a mural ordinance.
The goal is to have:
1. A mural painted by summer of 2013
2. Bring a master artist who is co-founder of the Royal Chicano Airforce ( ) to help lead the mural project and mentor the next generation of artists (youth artists in Woodburn)
3. Bring together community leaders, farmworker families and youth to come together and paint the mural.